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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kebaya Kartini on Culture and history

Culture, Model Kebaya, Indonesia Custom Apparel

Photos and bun Modern Kebaya for Kartini Day Warning - Soon Kartini Day. Moments Kartinian synonymous with kebaya and bun. Dress commemorate Kartini Day today many prefer modern kebaya and bun. today and since kebaya recognized as world cultural heritage as a popular Javanese traditional clothes of the designers was to cultivate a modern style and it does not eliminate the impression of Indonesia, as well as the so-called bun hairstyle is in order in such a way as to make it look modern and of course Indonesian woman gives the impression of a beautiful and charming, nahh for you lovers of Modern Batik Model Male Female. Here's an example of modern kebaya and bun Kartinian.

Baju kebaya kartini

Baju kebaya kartini Kebaya modern

Baju kebaya kartini seksi tapi modern

Baju kebaya kartini

Kartini Collected Poems
An Opinion on "Traditional Kebaya" and the association was with Culture and Current Condition of Women's.

Of course, most people especially people of Indonesia are not familiar with the term kebaya. Kebaya is a women's clothing or kebayak ancient Javan (era where modernization has not entered Indonesia). At that time, the kebaya is everyday wear for women. Kebaya combined with batik cloth or "jarik" and jarik is tied tightly with benting (Stagen). How to bind Stagen must be such that "fast and neat".

To quote from wikipedia:Origin of the word comes from the Arabic kebaya abaya means clothing. Kebaya Trust comes from China hundreds of years ago. Then spread to Malacca, Java, Bali, Sumatra, and Sulawesi. After acculturation that took place hundreds of years, the outfit received in the local culture and norms.Prior to 1600, on the island of Java, kebaya worn clothes that only the royal family there. During the period of Dutch control of the island, European women began wearing kebaya as formal dress. During this period, kebaya changed from only using mori fabric using silk with colorful embroidery.Related to the above quote, the kebaya is a formal wear for certain circles. It could be concluded that significant wear kebaya is important at a time. Based on these conclusions, further discussion of this article is kebaya as "a symbol of cultural development".The term "kebaya" is used in this paper is the traditional kebaya, a traditional dress instead modern kebaya.

Why kebaya as a symbol of cultural order?
At that time, the fashion world has not developed as it is today. There are many dress codes are followed by most of society. Kebaya is a women's clothing, men's clothing instead. Women also should not wear men's clothing. That is to say that the kebaya dress is a symbol of cultural order at that time.Compared to the modern era, fashion apparel fashion evolve freely through the rules of tradition. Women can wear men's clothing, menswear fashion instead some occasionally inspired fashion women's clothing (although looks are not uncommon, but in development mode this actually happened).From the brief description above, it can be concluded that the kebaya is one of the cultural symbols of order and behavior at the time. Where the rules and traditions still be important to be obeyed.

When viewed from the sub-title above, this paper like a criticism. But that's not the real goal of this paper. It is aimed at learning more about the development of culture in Indonesia, especially with regard to women.Why kebaya is called the symbol of captivity?Use kebaya "right" is combined with jarik (batik cloth), depths and the use benting such that women are not free to move about freely as it is today. If applied to modern life, women who are using the kebaya not be able to walk with a step width or even running. And you should be careful when riding a motorcycle or a car.Women who are wearing kebaya should go gracefully. Hair styled in such a way that it is not free flowing. With this kebaya outfit indirectly so that women will organize more regular behavior.For the modern woman in the modern era, the use of the kebaya is a captivity. On formal occasions, modern kebaya often used as an alternative outfit. Although talh modified in such a way, not a few women who complain when I have to wear kebaya a whole day.So, what if a woman should wear a kebaya modern every day like the days of old? Obviously a lot of activities are hampered and delayed.

Warning Kartini birth date, 21 April, is always associated with the kebaya. Kartini Day commemoration celebrations are usually held in schools on the theme of traditional Indonesian kebaya or clothing. It is a form of cultural preservation and also commemorate National Heroes.Why Memorial Day Kartini Synonymous with Kebaya? The short answer is: "Because Kartini wearing Kebaya".Of all the historical documents in the form of photographs, drawings or paintings of RA Kartini, all using traditional kebaya neat, with jarik and traditional bun. Thus, the figure of RA Kartini is always synonymous with kebaya.

In the modern era, the presence of kebaya still exist up to this writing. Modern kebaya modified such that suitable to be applied in various circles. Alloys also do not have a cloth jarik, but can be combined with songket cloth, gloves, pants, even jeans for a semi-formal mode.Kebaya is also applied on bridal fashion, especially bridal Java. For the wedding dress, kebaya been modified so that it could be used by Muslim bride. The materials used also can vary depending on the needs.Some of the values ​​that remain stable kebaya to date are:Kebaya remains synonymous with formal or formal attire, although some modifications are made kebaya dress semi-formal.Kebaya shows typical Indonesian clothing designs.Kebaya is always "close" to the beauty and elegance.Kebaya still favored a wide range of people, especially women.Until now, kebaya continues to develop and be modified so that its presence increasingly favored women.Remains preserved as one of kebaya fashion fortune Indonesia!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Passion Kebaya Indonesia

Kebaya Anne Avantie (Foto:
Kebaya Anne Avantie (Photo:
AS fashion typical of Indonesia, the kebaya has attracted the attention of designers who consistently explore its beauty.

The more creative in kebaya dress, as mix of chiffon, tulle and velvet kebaya made more beautiful without losing the original mecca kebaya Indonesia grip itself. Look at how five designers are concerned with the creation Indonesia kebaya kebaya designs explore their designs in a fashion show titled "Night Kebaya Indonesia" at the Hotel Santika, Jakarta, Wednesday (18/7) then.

The five designers are Yani Soekirno, Marga Alam, Intan Avantie, Djoko Santoso, and Anne Avantie. Main Line Mode Yani's take on the theme of "Art" in the overall design. Concept art means that the kebaya is a work of art that can be modified with a classic style, neoclassical, and modern. The designer, Yani Soekirno, making kebaya dressing looks very sexy for the wearer.

This is the hallmark of rancanganYani, with bright colors and bold, such as copper, green, turquoise, shocking pink flirty look. Lines femininity intentionally made prominent, to the buttocks of the less contained, this section given tonggeng-tonggeng. Accentuate the feminine side, our typical sexy, "said Yani.

Not surprisingly, many kebaya pieces accentuate the hips and pelvis almost evenly across all the core design. Consider just kebaya peach and copper, pile composite tail add value kebaya modern impression. In another design, a typical piece of batik kebaya combined with elegant fabrics that give a modern exotic and dramatic.

Applications of interest are also indicated by a combination songket kebaya with matching colors giving the impression of playful dramatic. Dodot combined with batik cloth the same color between brown and gold colors blend so it looks elegant impression, traditional, and modern. "Batik, dodot, I make it modern because dodot usually seem ancient, too heavy, complicated, very light so it is made from materials Valvet, velvet, embroidery paired with," he said.

Furthermore, still showing the elegance of women, designer Djoko Sasongko includes sequin beaded degradation attached to the chest and collar. The selection of shades silver, gold, and silver in every part of his work to make kebaya look elegant and luxurious. To kebaya party, Djoko was deliberately made ​​that are not too crowded, but still look elegant.

Kebaya pastel colors such as pink, green, turquoise, white, ivory, white and ivory are also dominating the draft design kebaya Marga Alam that combines traditional Western-style dresses. Meanwhile, in designer diamond Avantie, remains a contemporary modern kebaya exploration. Meanwhile, Anne Avantie expertise in processing and modifying a fashion kebaya elegant, exotic, and glamorous, it is no doubt.

Predominantly white ivory, gold, and other soft colors, as well as parts in the middle of the skirt and train (tail). Here's a snippet neckline, sleeves, and long-tailed kebaya is so brave despite the unusual color combination, matching remains a force Anne.
(/ SINDO / tty)

"Demonstration Kebaya So closing 'Scholastic Beauty Festival'

Peragaan Kebaya Jadi Penutup 'Gramedia Beauty Festival'
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - five performances kebaya famous designer and bridal makeup book launch customary closing series "Beauty Festival" title Scholastic Press (GPU), which has lasted for three days, 16-18 July 2012 at the Hotel Santika Premiere Jakarta west.
Five designers who showed his work is Yanie for Home Mode Yanie, Marga Alam, Djoko Sasongko, Diamond and Anne Avantie. The drafters of the books published by the GPU.
On occasion, they display creations of traditional kebaya kebaya-modern flavor, some of which are in their book.
Fashion, it is also interspersed with the launch of the traditional bridal makeup books, including the book "Bridal Makeup Styling Yogyakarta Paes Ageng 'written by famous makeup artist Tinuk Riefki, and' Bridal Makeup North Sumatra 'by Tien Santoso (late) and Icha Saragih.
Some of the wedding dress and traditional makeup that is in the book also briefly shown.
In his speech, Nana Lystiani, Editor GPU, hope after this event Indonesia increasingly appreciate the wealth of the nation, educated, and appreciate the work of the artists in the world of fashion and makeup traditionally has sought to explore the potential of local culture.
During Beauty Festival takes place, visitors are presented with a variety of themed events such beauty wokshop, seminars, and Commencing the book. During the seminar, the speaker this makeup and hair, as well as bridal makeup. While the workshop, participants are invited to direct practice. Do not forget, bazaar beauty books at bargain prices also held at the event which was first held by the GPU.

Life story of Raden in Kebaya

Banar FIL Ardhi
Two kebaya design Raden Sirait featured in the fashion show Kebaya for the World, Thursday, March 31, 2011, at the Theatre Jakarta, Taman Ismail Marzuki. - "I can not draw. I can not make a pattern. I can not sew. But I'm very grateful for the talents that God bestowed unlimited to me, imagining that the women wear kebaya like angels from heaven . " As soon as the words repeatedly revealed in fashion design Raden Sirait, Kebaya for the World which took place Thursday, March 31, 2011, in Jakarta, Taman Ismail Marzuki Theatre.

Kebaya for the World is a celebration of 15 years of Raden Sirait, worked as a designer, and over the last 5 years specializing in the design kebaya. Theatrical fashion concept that lasted approximately 3 hours was intended to revive the who and how to design Raden Sirait and goals ahead in the fashion world.

Raden was born in Porsea, a small district that is located on the edge of Lake Toba, North Sumatra. His father was a tailor whose education only up to grade 3 elementary school, while his mother was illiterate. Her parents constantly remind Raden to stay in school until graduation from high school, and if Raden to proceed, he should get the scholarship. That prompted Raden to try until finally he got a scholarship to study at the Bogor Institute of Agriculture majoring in Agribusiness.

However, he was not aware that agriculture became her passion. As read at the beginning of words, Prince had a vision to create clothing that increasingly beautify women. For 15 years he was a designer, new 5 years Raden mengulik batik into the main design.

Performances which showed approximately 155 fashion kebaya design Raden was exhibited by artists, famous models, friends Raden, several former Miss Indonesia, and others. The demonstration is divided into 15 sequences (half) a diverse, ranging from the design theme of "Angel", "Nusantara Reincarnation", "Kebaya for the World" to "The Masquerade Finale". Some of the designs exhibited an old design Raden, some as a new draft.

Packaged in stage three floors, the collection was exhibited, for viewers who are placed at locations far enough, we can see the design Raden ornaments filled with beads, sequins, and Swarovsky crystals that sparkle from a distance. Raden is famous kebaya fashion, ranging from expressive colors and bold, because taking primary colors (red, orange, yellow, blue, and purple), the designs are attached to the wearer's body as if he was a second skin, as well as pieces that are not too traditional, because many times using asymmetric concepts.

Fashion show that evening to Raden, is a concept that will be the goal of life Raden in the future, "I'd love to be one of kebaya fashion genre that is recognized globally by the world community. Accomplished I was a dreamer who does not know the feeling free to make it happen . My vision is that the kebaya silhouette can be applied in various lingerie model and is used by world-renowned figures, like pieces of a typical kimono that has been adapted to various forms unified frontier clothing, "said Raden.

Kebaya, according Raden is a valuable work of the nation. Although born in the land of Batak, not the origin of kebaya, kebaya Raden fell in love with, because he had never worn though kebaya paired with different types of fabrics archipelago, or adapted to the wish expressed emotion; elegance, charisma, contrast, or the polarity of the soul, aggressiveness, passion, and even masculinity, such as the themes of the design.

Raden who can not draw, make a pattern, and sew using moulage techniques (direct design with attached fabric on a mannequin), then sewn by employees. Raden famous daring experiment, seen in a collection of clothing that uses various types of traditional fabrics as subordinate, patches, ornaments, and more. Asymmetrical pieces that are sometimes hard to see which part is kebaya silhouette, and experimentation with extra fabric at the waist, shoulders, arms, neck circumference, and so on.

In a three-stage layout that tells the story of past, present, and future Raden, reading notes Raden, fashion collection, flow performance, the performers, to the ornaments in which it tells the journey of a Raden Sirait, origin Batak lands that have goals ideals introduced kebaya (at least his silhouette), to the international world, such as the international arena and the red carpet worn by famous figures.

"This show is a big celebration, but it is only one small step to attract the attention of the international community and pursue a path to the world stage. Kebaya worldwide I would like, through the love of the designer," said Raden.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012



Models are models of modern KebayaKami Kebayas and have Become a good thing for online clothing stores in Indonesia today. provides information and also sells clothes Indonesia modern kebaya to local and worldwide internet users. Indonesian Kebaya is the most common fashion that is Widely used at weddings and other events greatness. As a common tradition on a graduation day, we also provide a graduation kebaya with short sleeves. Trend and development of modern kebaya Indonesia is growing very fast and interesting to follow.
Modern kebaya Indonesia today is very varied and interesting. provides up to date and ready to wear modern kebaya for all local and worldwide internet users.
Delivery for worldwide users will be done by EMS Pos Indonesia. Payment can be transferred through Western Union.

100 Anne Avantie Kebaya at IFW 2012

Indonesia's leading designer Anne Avantie promised long ago will feature 100 modern kebaya in the prestigious annual sporting fashion field in Indonesia, Indonesia Fashion Week 2012 held at the Pacific Place Jakarta. Anne is famous for its modern kebayafashion design in various kinds of purposes and types of modifications.
Anne Avantie the origin of Semarang is claimed to have prepared everything to mature for 100 kebaya or other clothing to be shown in Indonesia Fashion Week 2012. Avantie of Anne used to have great ambitions to bring Indonesia into the international arena of fashion. Therefore, in any fashion event, Anee Avantie always considered it important especially classmates Indonesia Fashion Week.

                               Anne Avantie in Indonesia Fashion Week Year

Meanwhile, reports from the organizers, the event was initiated by the Association of Indonesian Fashion Designers Entrepreneurs (APPMI), said it will target to control the local market. Indonesia Fashion Week 2012 will be held on February 23 to 26 will involve 400 brands, 200 perncang fashion, organizers also menergetkan addition of 30 thousand visitors in four days.

Kebaya Modern Works 2012 Anne Avantie

Introduction of Kebaya As The Best Traditional Costume of Indonesian Females

Kebaya is a habitual blouse-dress combination for Indonesian females. The kebaya is also recognized in some Asian countries like Malaysia, Burma, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand and Cambodia. It can be made from sheer material and worn with a sarong or batik kain panjang, or other traditional woven garment such as ikat, songket with a colorful motif.
During the nineteenth century, and prior to the Nationalist movement of the early 20th century, the model of kebaya had enjoyed a period of being worn by Indonesian, Eurasian, and European women alike, with trivial style variations. In this time distinguishing class and category was important and produced variants of the basic set of clothes. Now we may appreciate the modern kebaya ( or in Indonesia called as model kebaya modern) that may be made of silk, velvet and brocade.
There are two main kinds of the Indonesian traditional clothing. The first one is known as baju kebaya and the second one is baju kurung. The baju kebaya may have two highest forms: the semi-transparent straighter cut blouse of the Java or Bali and the more tightly tailored Sunda kebaya. The baju kurung is a loose-fitting, knee-length long-sleeved blouse worn in the additional adherent Muslim areas- including former Kingdom of Johor-Riau (now Malaysia), Sumatra and parts of coastal Java.
The blouse is generally semi-transparent and worn over the torso wrap. The skirt or kain is an unstitched material wrap around three metres long. The name sarong in English is erroneous, but the sarung (Malaysian accent: sarong) is truly stitched together to shape a tube just like a Western costume.
In Indonesia, especially in Java, Bali and Sunda, the kebaya modern is generally batik which can be from natural stamped cotton to elaborately hand - painted batik tulis embroidered silk with gold thread. In several other areas of Indonesia such as Sumatera, Flores, Lemata Timor, and other islands generally use kain ikat or songket. In Sumba, there is a well-known decorated kain with lau hada: shells and beads.
In Bali, the kebaya has more topical history. The Dutch are believed to have enforced the wearing of the Indonesia traditional clothing. At the time Balinese women's breasts were uncovered, excepting for official and ritual occasions, during which a sabuk might be wound tightly around the upper torso, covering the breasts but leaving the shoulders and arms exposed. The girls of Buleleng, the regency of northern Bali, therefore would have been some of the first to adopt the kebaya as their daily clothes.